Home Alone Safety
Live on Zoom Sunday, March 2nd Gr 3-6 12:00pm-1:30pm Fee $50
Home Alone Safety is a readiness program that helps prepare your child to safely be home alone before and after
school, and learn to take care of themselves. Basic safety rules are taught that help build self-confidence, sense of
responsibility and decision-making abilities through a variety of fun, interactive activities and discussions, including
role-playing. Pamphlets and handouts will be provided. Materials will be included for parents and guardians to create
safe environments and family emergency action plans. Instructor Frank Olivieri.
Parents/Caregivers are welcome to attend
Participants must currently be in grades 3 to 6.
Registration starts on 11/18/2024 and ends on 02/24/2025.
Link: tbd
Please contact Tri-Town Council if you have any questions.